OPALE, the Organization <br>for Partnerships in Leukemia

OPALE, the Organization
for Partnerships in Leukemia

The OPALE Carnot institute is a healthcare industry’s preferred partner for the research and development of innovative solutions aimed at diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients in the field of leukemia and related diseases, the deadliest blood cancer and first child cancer.

About us

An unparalleled partnership offer

The OPALE Carnot Institute gives healthcare companies unique access to the expertise of an internationally unparalleled consortium in the field of leukemia and related diseases. Our aim is to prolong or save the lives of more patients by accelerating therapeutic and diagnostic innovation across the entire research and development value chain.

An unparalleled partnership offer Explore our offer
Carnot, a label of excellence

Carnot, a label of excellence

Granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Carnot label is prestigious and highly selective.

Being labelled Carnot is a guarantee of scientific and operational excellence in R&D collaborations for our industrial partners.

The Carnot institutes follow their namesake Charter to guarantee top-tier collaborative research, effectively driving industrial advancements while ensuring ongoing scientific revitalization within the Carnot community.

Our Carnot mission

"The OPALE Carnot Institute addresses many of the needs of manufacturers in the leukemia market, thanks to the specialization and depth of its R&D offering, accessible through a one-stop shop."

Medical Director of a pharmaceutical company
Member of OPALE's Strategic Advisory Committee

"Accelerating the emergence of innovative solutions for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients in the field of leukemia and related diseases"

Pr Hervé Dombret
OPALE's Chairman


Hier, c’était la Journée mondiale contre le cancer. Et si l’une des clés pour mieux le combattre était… la formation ? ?

Feb. 6, 2025, 11:06 a.m.

Chaque année, la formation ARTEC, organisée par le réseau des Groupes Coopérateurs en Oncologie (GCO), réunit les ARC, TEC et IRC qui accompagnent les investigateurs dans les essais cliniques académiques.

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LEUKEMIA 360: A Unique Event to Accelerate Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases on November 13 in Paris

Nov. 4, 2024, 10:15 a.m.

Paris, October 30, 2024 – The countdown has begun! In less than two weeks, the inaugural edition of LEUKEMIA 360 will open in Paris, bringing together over 200 experts in leukemia and related diseases.

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LEUKEMIA 360 : un événement unique pour accélérer la recherche contre les leucémies et maladies apparentées le 13 novembre à Paris

Nov. 1, 2024, 12:21 p.m.

LEUKEMIA 360 ouvrira ses portes à Paris pour la première édition d’une rencontre inédite rassemblant plus de 200 experts des leucémies et maladies apparentées.

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