• Experts' advice
  • AML
  • Targeted therapy
  • Cell therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Hematopoietic stem cell transplant
  • Clinical research (TRL 3-8)

With many years of expertise in conducting clinical and translational studies, ALFA Group's experts can help you establish a research and development strategy for innovative treatments in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). 

In the context of regulatory, clinical, medico-economic and market access issues, ALFA guides you in the construction of your treatment development plan, including the evaluation of new therapeutic combinations. 



Our consulting services include:

  • Personalized support, adapted to the development stage, from preclinical and correlative studies (in liaison with the network's translational laboratories) to registration trials, including early phase I/II trials.
  • The provision of clinical, scientific and regulatory expertise, and market knowledge 

Setting up support

  • Multidisciplinary advisory boards
  • Defining the elements of identified partnerships. These may take the form of expert reports, translational study projects, or even clinical trials
  • Drafting of roadmaps, study projects and related reports


  • Dr. Renaud Buffet, Medical Coordination
  • Prof. Raphaêl Itzykson, President of the Scientific Council

Quality assurance 

  • Traceability of all stages of collaboration



Therapeutic approach: Chemotherapy; Targeted therapy; Immunotherapy; Cell therapy-Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 

Development phases: I-IV

Support steps:

  • Multidisciplinary advisory boards
  • Definition of identified partnership elements. These may vary widely, and take the form of expert reports, translational study projects or even clinical trials
  • Drafting of roadmaps, study projects and related reports

Examples of partnerships

Biomarkers study in relapsing/refractory AMLpatientsOrg - Expression of original markers of leukemic cells and potential targets of immunotherapeutic agents from patients with AML refractory to or relapsing after a first-line therapy and enrolled in ALFA-PPP study.

Partner: Advesya



  • Consulting contract
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