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Leukemia cells are in close interaction with the bone marrow microenvironment within hypoxic leukemic niches highly involved in relapse, and N2COx is focusing its research on their role in leukemogenesis. Affiliated to the French national institute of health and medical research (INSERM) and the University of Tours, the research team (CHRU and Faculty of Medicine of Tours) deciphers the functioning of leukemia cells in the bone marrow, notably by focusing on the oxidative and energetic metabolism of the niche and its pharmaco-modulation in line with drug resistance. The team models in vitro the human bone marrow niche, more particularly by using primary mesenchymal stromal cells and by reproducing hypoxia and intra-marrow pressure. By this way, the team test and analyze the impact of new molecules on cell biology (signaling, apoptosis, cell cycle, DNA breaks, RNAseq, oxidative and energy metabolism...) and chemoresistance. 

Composed of researchers, hematologists and engineers (PhD and former post-docs), the team benefits from a very specific technical platform, including a small animal irradiator ( Faxitron®), two hypoxia and intramedullary pressure modeling stations (Avatar®), a FACS cell sorter (BD Melody®), single cell analysis systems (Chromium Controller 10X Genomics , etc ...) and real-time metabolic analyzers (Seahorse®, Omnilog®). To optimize its analytical strategies, the team has filed 3 patents and published many original methods in flow cytometry, molecular biology and metabolic analyzes.

Olivier Hérault
Prof. Olivier Hérault

Head of Entity


Email :

Faculté de Médecine de Tours, Bâtiment Dutrochet
10, boulevard Tonnellé - BP3223
37032 TOURS CEDEX 1 - France


Research infrastructures




Small animal imaging


Platforms of the N2C (U1069) laboratory.


Cell culture facility

Metabolic Analysis 



Preclinical studies

Platforms of LNOx team.


Biological samples  

Various sources





Collections of leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes of the tumor bank of Tours university hospital (head: Prof. Olivier Herault).

CRB-T « Biological Resources Center - Touraine» (Scientific director: Prof. Olivier Herault).

Clinical trial





Collection of primary cells and plasma from bone marrow and blood of patients suffering from leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes (protocols: PLASMYC, MYLESYM, FAMYLY…).

Clinical trial

Healthy volunteers

Collection of primary cells and plasma from bone marrow and blood of healthy volunteers (HEALTHOX protocol, n° NCT02789839 – Prof. Olivier Herault).

Collection of primary cells and plasma from bone marrow and blood of healthy children (MILA protocol, n°NCT05792007 – Prof. Olivier Herault, Dr Julien Lejeune).

Category Models Pathology Specification Sample type Number of models Genetics characterization
In vitro Human primary cells AML - Diagnosis - -
In vitro Human primary cells AML - Relapse - -
In vitro Human primary cells Normal bone marrow - - - -
In vivo Mouse model AML FLA2, FLB1 - - -

Sources diverses

Données cliniques


Bases de données des protocoles dirigées par le Pr Olivier Hérault et le Pr Emmanuel Gyan (HEALTHOX, PLASMYC, MYLESYM, FAMYLY…)

Sources diverses

Données de collection d'échantillons

Données de diagnostic du microenvironnement de la moelle osseuse et données multi-omiques


Partnership research offers




Inserm Université de Tours