EMiLy (INSERM U1160)
EMiLy (INSERM U1160)
The Team 1 “Homeostatic and Pathological Chemokine-Regulated Interplays between Lymphocytes and their Microenvironment” focuses its research on the following fields: immunology, hematology, oncology, bone marrow microenvironment in health and leukemic diseases.
Dr. Karl Balabanian
Head of Entity
Dr. Marion Espéli
Dr. Nicolas Dulphy
Email : karl.balabanian@inserm.fr
Hôpital Saint Louis
Institut Recherche Saint Louis (IRSL)
1, avenue Claude Vellefaux
75010 PARIS - France
Research infrastructures
Cytometry |
IRSL - Technology platform 3 missions:
Genomics |
IRSL - Technology platform The main mission of the Genomics Department is to meet the needs for genomic studies related to laboratory research activities and to be open to the entire academic (INSERM, CNRS, Universities, APHP) and industrial scientific community.
Microscopy |
IRSL - Technology platform Microscopy Department provides easy access and personalized support to modern optical microscopy techniques: confocal and multiphoton microscopy, wide-field microscopy, video-microscopy (multipoint and high-throughput timelapse).
Data center |
IRSL - Technology platform BioData Center Department provides a dual mission: support in setting up the IT tools necessary for the bio-informaticians of the Research teams, an infrastructure for calculation and analysis as well as for storage.
Animal facility |
IRSL - Animal facility The Department of Preclinical Models is a common service whose main mission is to meet the needs for animal experimentation relating to the scientific activity of the IRSL in compliance with the national and European regulations in force (Directive 2010/63; Decree 2013-118).
Immunomonitoring |
Immunomonitoring platform. |
Biological samples |
Various sources AML MDS WM
Center of Biological Resources of Saint-Louis (CRB Saint-Louis).
Partnership research offers
- Asistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)
- GenCellDis (UMR-944)
- Gustave Roussy
- Institut Cochin (UMR-1016)
- Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M)
- CRSA (UMR-938)
- Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)
- Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML)
- Université de Limoges
- Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM)
- Université de Rennes