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logo French Innovative Leukemia Organization (FILO)

French Innovative Leukemia Organization (FILO)

The FILO Group "French Innovative Leukemia Organization" encompassed a board of directors and two scientific councils identified as "FILO-LAM" and "FILO-LLC".

The FILO group includes more than 80 investigating centres (35 of which are experts in AML): university hospitals, hospitals or private centres throughout France and Belgium.

Its main objectives are focused on clinical and fundamental research into acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), Waldenström's disease (WM), chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes and other blood diseases in order to: 

  • Develop clinical and translational research
  • Promote prospective multi-centre clinical trials with an academic or industrial focus, including the early evaluation of new compounds
  • Promote young investigators by giving them responsibility for therapeutic trials in collaboration with more experienced, internationally recognised investigators
  • Propose recommendations for the management of diseases for which it has expertise and contribute to their dissemination
  • Maintain the scientific quality of clinical trials and their management in compliance with current clinical research regulations
  • Develop specific projects aimed at elderly subjects
  • Promote the interface between biologists and clinicians with strong biological projects around and outside therapeutic trials
  • Set up a biology network with validation of new technologies for routine use and for therapeutic trials
  • Continue to develop clinical research in France as part of an international strategy
Arnaud Pigneux
Prof. Arnaud Pigneux

Head of Entity


Email :

Association FILO
Hôpital Bretonneau
2, boulevard Tonnellé
37044 TOURS - France


Research infrastructures

Biobank FILOThèque - FILO Group's biological resource center, specialized in biobanking hematological malignancies.

Biological samples


Clinical trial




FILOThèque - Biobanking of hematological malignancies.


Clinical trial

Clinical data

eCRF webtrial® (Quanticsoft solution) for all trials promoted by FILO.


Partnership research offers




French Innovative Leukemia Organization (FILO)